Sunday, September 22, 2013

Re-elect Marie for New London

Let me continue to be your voice.

This election is about representation of the people, transparency in the administration and accountability.
I have represented the citizens of New London honestly and responsibly. Let me continue to be your voice.
 We are New London!

Thursday, July 25, 2013

My statement regarding the Tuesday night endorsements

I could understand the decision of the Democratic Town Committee if the slate was filled with more qualified candidates than I, but that is not the case. I believe I am the best candidate.
It appears the DTC, under the unofficial leadership of the Democratic Mayor, sought to fill the Council with ardent, blind supporters of the Mayor and his agenda.  Our current system of government with a strong Mayor and City Council is dependent upon checks and balances to be successful. Without a Council comprised of individuals who vote their conscience for the good of New London, New London is destined for continued failure.  As a City Councilor I made my decisions and cast my votes for the best interests of the taxpayers and the community as a whole.  I would not allow anyone to bully me to vote a certain way. No party leader, no elected Mayor, nor any executive committee can cause me to stray from working hard for the people of New London, taking into account how each one of my votes impacts the individual citizen, as evidenced by the DTC decision not to endorse me.
I believe we can do better; we can prosper, only with the correct team in place to move the city forward.  My actions and votes as a City Councilor speak for themselves. I look forward to continuing my service on the next elected City Council and would be proud to have the citizens of New London cast their vote for me on November 5th.  I will continue to put my every effort into making New London a better place, even if it means being abandoned by my Democratic party.
As much as I am distraught over the abandonment of the DTC, I was honored and humbled to find I was unanimously endorsed by the Republican caucus.  The Republican Town Committee chair, Bill Vogel, contacted me and asked me if I would accept the endorsement and nomination of the RTC, I agreed because I see the Republican slate as diverse, including myself as a DEMOCRAT, Independents and Republicans.  This is a slate comprised of individuals committed to taking New London on a prosperous path to economic growth and development, apparently absent of partisan political agendas.

I want to thank everyone who has contacted since last night to express their continued support and offer their assistance in my upcoming campaign.  I appreciate all your support and accept your help as we make New London what it should be. Believe with me.